Nightingale CSO Basin And Pump Station


Nightingale CSO Basin is one of the combined storm water and sanitary overflow structures constructed around the city of Louisville designed to store wastewater during high rain events until it can be transferred back into the system for treatment. The basin is 252-feet-long by 171-feet-wide and 46-feet-deep. The basin had a 7.7-million-gallon design capacity and was designed to pump up to 33 million gallons of wastewater per day. The design also included a pump station, control building, valve vault, and odor control structure.

Cornerstone performed design services for the Nightingale CSO Basin and Pump Station. The foundation/base slab was designed with 879 rock anchors tying into the bedrock below. The basin base slab was designed 4’-6” thick and the walls were up to 5’-6” thick at the thickest points. The control building had CMU walls with a brick veneer and had 36-inch-diameter concrete piers as the foundation. The basin is buried under 2 feet of soil overburden. Cornerstone also provided construction administration services for the basin.