Clifton Heights CSO Basin And Force Main Extension


Clifton Heights CSO Basin is one of the combined storm water and sanitary overflow structures constructed around the city of Louisville designed to store wastewater during high rain events until it can be transferred back into the system for treatment. The basin is 286-feet-long by 140-feet-wide and 46-feet-deep. The basin had a 7.7-million-gallon design capacity. The design also included a wet well, valve vault, and catwalk. Also, the addition of two force mains, a 12-inch diameter gravity sewer line, two precast manholes, and the assessment and modification of two CSO interceptor structures were required to distribute the combined stormwater and wastewater in the basin.

Cornerstone performed design services for the Clifton Heights CSO Basin. The basin foundation/base slab was designed utilizing 289 rock anchors. Due to a unique wall rock anchor design, the basin walls were able to be cast directly against the rock surface, saving time and money by avoiding formwork. Also, the walls only needed to be 3-feet-thick because of this design, which further reduced the cost of the basin. Cornerstone was also responsible for the assessment and retrofit design of two existing CSO interceptor structures and the two new precast manholes that would intercept the existing 60” reinforced concrete pipe. A steel truss bridge was also designed by Cornerstone to support the force main crossing Beargrass Creek along Brownsboro Road. Cornerstone also provided construction administration and special inspection services for the basin and force mains.