B.E. Payne Sodium Hypochlorite Building


Louisville Water Company (LWC) desired to make improvements to the water treatment process in their key treatment plant facility located at east end of Jefferson County of Metro Louisville. This resulted in a project involving construction of a Sodium Hypochlorite production facility in their B.E. Payne Water Treatment Plant. This plant is located near the Ohio River, and as a result it provided unique challenges for the design. The major challenges were groundwater uplift combined with alluvial soft soils with low bearing capacity. Also, large roof hatches had to incorporated to be able to remove the tanks for repairs or servicing.

Cornerstone performed design services for the new facility. In order to overcome the soft soil, Cornerstone designed a deep foundation system that is around 40-feet deep so that it could be bearing on bedrock. The structural design also included mezzanine floor areas to house equipment involving Sodium Hypochlorite production, storage, and distribution. The roof was designed using a precast hollowcore plank and concrete beam roof system to allow flexibility for the roof openings while maintaining the required strength.

Cornerstone also performed Construction Administration and Special Inspection services for the project. During the construction phase, a portion of the foundation was redesigned around an existing electrical duct bank which was not identified during the design phase.