MSD Central Maintenance Facility Roof Repair And Replacement Areas ‘E’ & ‘F’


The Central Maintenance Facility is the primary center of operation for all the operations and maintenance crews and support staff for Louisville MSD. This facility was constructed in the 1970s and was originally a shopping mall. This facility now operates 24 hours a day and needed to remain safe and operational during the tear off and replacement of the existing roof.

Cornerstone performed multiple structural assessments, and various structural members were required to be modified/strengthened. In addition to the roof replacement, the parapet wall was assessed and modified in multiple locations due to safety concerns posed by the existing structural conditions.

Cornerstone provided expertise on structural rehab and replacement of the structural roof members. The design solution consisted of complete removal of the rotted plywood decking and ballast roof system down to the existing bar joist and installation of a new galvanized steel decking. Some of the other repairs included replacing various wood framed structures with structural steel and retrofit of the existing bar joists where roof leaks had caused excessive corrosion. Along with design, Cornerstone provided Construction Administration and Special Inspection services.